Enable or Disable Oracle constraints..
If you want to enable or disable all constraints which is normally done in datawarehousing jobs you are likely to get two errors ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list or ORA-02297 cannot disable constraint (SYS_C0010965) - dependencies.
To avoind this you should enable or disable constraint in a order. To disable all constraints use "order by constraint_type desc" ie. disable foreign ket first and then Primary key. Likewise if you are enabling do it in reverse order. for eg. "order by constraint_type"
DISABLE constraints
for i in (select 'ALTER TABLE '||ac.owner||'.'||ac.table_name||' DISABLE CONSTRAINT '
||constraint_name as sql_string,constraint_name,ac.table_name
from all_constraints ac,all_tables at
where ac.table_name = at.table_name
and ac.owner=at.owner
and ac.owner=p_owner order by constraint_type desc) loop
execute immediate i.sql_string;
--dbms_output.put_line( 'Constraint '||constraint_name ||' on '||table_name ||' is ' || ' Disabled.');
end loop;
-- Enable
for i in (select 'ALTER TABLE '||ac.owner||'.'||ac.table_name||' ENABLE novalidate CONSTRAINT '||
constraint_name as sql_string,constraint_name,ac.table_name
from all_constraints ac ,all_tables at
where ac.table_name = at.table_name
and ac.owner=at.owner
and ac.owner=p_owner order by constraint_type) loop
execute immediate i.sql_string;
end loop;
Notice ENABLE novalidate option.
This option is normally used in datawarehousing when the operation is performed on already validated data from Online system
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